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The UNSK office is interested in ensuring the accessibility of its website in accordance with Act no. 95/2019 Coll. on information technology in public administration and respective implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions under Directive (EU) 2016/2012.
This accessibility statement applies to the unsk.sk website
This website is in partial concordance with Act no. 95/2019 Coll. on information technology in public administration and respective implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions under Directive (EU) 2016/2012.
The content below is inaccessible for the following reasons:
This statement was prepared on 02.02.2022.
The evaluation of accordance with Act no. 95/2019 Coll. on information technology in public administration and respective implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions under Directive (EU) 2016/2012 was performed by self-assessment.
The statement was last verified on 02.02.2022
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In the event of unsatisfactory responses to suggestions or requests submitted as feedback in accordance with no. 7 sect. 1 b) guideline of European Parlament you can contact the organization unit responsible for enforcing the Directive, which is the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatization, at the e-mail address: standard@vicepremier.gov.sk